angular-favicon is an AngularJS module that let you easily get and display the favicon of any website.
You can download this by:
- Using bower:
bower install angular-favicon
- Download the "angular-favicon.js" file and place it in your scripts folder.
Add the "angular-favicon.js" script to your html file, then you could use this just as you would use any other filter out there.
In view templates using a filter: (Example)
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["favicon"]);
myApp.controller("MainCtrl", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.githubUrl = "";
<img ng-src="{{githubUrl | favicon}}" alt="GitHub">
<img ng-src="{{'' | favicon}}" alt="GitHub">
In view templates using a directive: (Example)
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["favicon"]);
myApp.controller("MainCtrl", ["$scope", function($scope) {
$scope.github = {
name: "GitHub",
url: ""
<favicon url="github.url" description=""></favicon>
<favicon url="''" description="'GitHub'"></favicon>
<img favicon url="github.url" description="">
<img favicon url="''" description="'GitHub'">
In controllers/services using "$filter": (Example)
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["favicon"]);
myApp.controller("MainCtrl", ["$scope", "$filter", function($scope, $filter) {
$scope.githubFaviconUrl = $filter("favicon")("");
<img ng-src="{{githubFaviconUrl}}" alt="GitHub">
In controllers/services using "filterFactory": (Example)
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["favicon"]);
myApp.factory("myService", ["faviconFilter", function(faviconFilter) {
// code...
return {
// code...
getFavicon: function(url) {
return faviconFilter(url);
myApp.controller("MainCtrl", ["$scope", "myService", function($scope, myService) {
$scope.githubFaviconUrl = myService.getFavicon("");
<img ng-src="{{githubFaviconUrl}}" alt="GitHub">